This week the European Associatuon of Vertebrate Paleontologists had its 7th annual meeting at the Humboldt University of Berlin Museum of Natural History, organized by Daniela Schwarz-Wings and her team.
Between Tuesday and Thursday about 34 oral presentations were held and 22 posters were displayed. Sorted systematically:
reptiles: 19.5 oral presentations (dinosaurs: 11) + 10.5 (7) posters
synapsids: 8.5 (mammals: 7) + 6.5 (6)
fish/ sharks: 3 + 3.5
anamniote tetrapods: 3 + 1.5
Apparently the EAVP is mostly a paleoherpetological society.
The two field trips organized for Friday covered the Rüdersdorf Muschelkalk Quarry (which yielded Nothosaurus, Placodus and others critters of the marine Middle Triassic) and the Pleistocene Rixdorf horizon of Niederlehme to the SW of Berlin.
Christian A. Meyer from Basel became new president of the EAVP, he takes the office over from Eric Buffetaut who is new editor-in-chief of the society's online-only journal Oryctos. Next year the meeting will be held in Aix-en-Provence in southern France, Greece is planned for 2011.
A giant Rhamphorhynchus in London
vor 1 Monat